Meet Up: Cloud meets Industry – Harness data at scale to optimize operations

Tuesday, June 20th, 2023 16:30-18:00 h // virtual
Event Language: English

Operations leaders at Industrial companies struggle with disconnected, sprawling, and siloed data sources from assets, processes, materials & people. These data sources were not designed to work together, making it challenging to solve business problems and make informed decisions with data. In this session with AWS, learn how to accelerate and scale the ingestion, contextualization, and the ability to act on industrial and enterprise data across the value chain.

What to expect:

  • Learn how to implement an end-to-end data strategy.
  • Understand the data management architecture that enables scalable, unified, and integrated mechanisms to harness data as an asset, at scale.
  • Build the foundation for digital industrial transformation and optimize operations across many cases such as quality maintenance, materials management, and process optimization.


The session will be moderated by Erwin Kruschitz, anapur AG.

Receive up-to-date information in this short afternoon session and use the opportunity to get in dialog with AWS experts and other attendees in the roundtable discussion.


Register now! Attendees who register by May 30th will receive a snack package.

Employees of end-user companies (operators // asset-owners), governmental agencies and universities (main occupation) register free of cost.

The meet up will be hosted with MS Teams.

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