DKE / Siemens
Jens Braband war von 1987 bis 1992 an der TU Braunschweig wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter des Instituts für Mathematische Stochastik. 1992 promovierte er bei Rolf Schassberger über ein Thema aus der Warteschlangentheorie. Er wechselte 1993 zur Siemens AG in die Bahnsicherungstechnik. 2004 wurde er von der TU Braunschweig zum Honorarprofessor für Risiko- und Sicherheitsanalyse von Verkehrssystemen bestellt.
Jens Braband hat in zahlreichen Veröffentlichungen Beiträge zur Sicherheitsforschung (RAMS), insbesondere zu den Grundlagen sicherer Kommunikationssysteme und Risikoanalyse, geleistet
Er ist Mitglied von IEC TC 56 „Dependability“, DKE K132 „Zuverlässigkeit“ sowie des German Chapters der System Safety Society.
Some recent incidents have shown that possibly the vulnerability of IT systems in railway automation has been underestimated. Fortunately, so far, almost only denial-of-service attacks have been successful, but due to several trends, such as the use of commercial IT and communication systems or privatization, the threat potential could increase in the near future. However, up to now, no harmonized cybersecurity risk assessment framework for railway automation exists. This paper shows problems with common approaches of It security risk analysis for safety-related systems and defines a cybersecurity risk assessment framework which aims to separate security and safety requirements as well as certification processes as far as possible. It builds on the well-known safety and approval processes from IEC 62425 and integrates security requirements based on the ISA99/IEC62443 standard series.